Bent County VFW & Auxiliary Honors Veterans with Youth for Memorial Day

Description: A symbol for peace, doves were released as part of honoring the men and women who have given their life for our country from the Revolutionary War to date. They served and sacrificed for our freedoms. Photo by Kathleen Tomlin.

Bent County VFW & Auxiliary Honors Veterans with Youth for Memorial Day
Memorial Day was a day to remember the 2.5 million men and women who have given their life for our country from the Revolutionary War to date. They served and sacrificed for our freedoms.
The VFW Auxiliary and Post and the American Legion representatives continued the annual Memorial Day tradition for Bent County, having services at Bent County/Las Animas Cemetery and Fort Lyon National Cemetery. Our organizations continue to teach the value of freedom to our children and grandchildren. Small flags were placed on every veteran’s grave in Bent County and Avenue of Flags flew at the BC/LA Cemetery, Fort Lyon National Cemetery, Las Animas, McClave and Hasty. What a beautiful sight!
We had lots of help from our youth, especially Western Prairie 4H Group and Boy Scouts of America Venturing Crew Group #218 from Lamar, who helped us remember our fallen veterans and honor those who serve.
Becky VanVleet from Colorado Springs was the guest speaker for both ceremonies and spoke about the greatest generation and, “For the Love of Country.” Fort Lyon’s program included a beautiful ten dove release by Flavio Gallego. Thanking all volunteers who make these ceremonies possible. God bless our veterans and God bless AMERICA!
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