Quilts of Valor Flag Day Presentation with Las Animas VFW

Description: Front row is Quilt of Valor recipients left to right Don Devie, Clyde Lamle, Daniel Salisbury, Virgil Grabeal Back – Nate Valdez, Cathy Moore, Carol Spady, Pam Valdez

Quilts of Valor Flag Day Presentation with Las Animas VFW
Four Bent County veterans were honored and presented with quilts of valor on Flag Day, June 14th at the VFW Post #2411. Pam Valdez organized the event on behalf of VFW Auxiliary. Cathy Moore, a quilter for Colorado Prairie Quilters, interviewed the four veterans, wrote their stories, and then read them to those attending.
Thank you, Cathy, for your many hours of dedicated service to veterans! Each veteran was wrapped in a beautifully made, patriotic quilt. Copies of the veteran’s stories are filed in the Heritage Library at the John W. Rawlings Heritage Center & Museum.
Carol Spady, President of Colorado Prairie Quilters from Haswell, was also introduced and discussed the process of the Quilts of Valor. A tremendous amount of dedicated work and expense transpires behind the scenes before a presentation is possible, and utmost appreciation was expressed.
Those receiving quilts were Virgil Grabeal – Army, Vietnam service; Clyde Lamle, Army, Germany and Vietnam service; Donald Devie, Navy, service at Okinawa Naha Naval Air Facility; and Daniel Salisbury, Air Force, Vietnam service.
Those who attended enjoyed homemade refreshments from the Auxiliary. You may nominate veterans for quilts of valor on the Colorado Quilts of Valor website.
Thank you to those that took the time to attend and the families that supported the veterans. We thank all our veterans for their service, God Bless them, and God Bless America!!!
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