Local Bikers Turkey Trot Delivers Over 200 Thanksgiving Meals Across Southeast Colorado

Description: (Courtesy Photo) - All Photos in This Article are Courtesy. The 2020 Turkey Trot Gave Twice As Many Meals as the 2019 Event...

Published: 11/25/2020
Byline: Hart

Turkey Trot Poker Run and Thanksgiving Meal Give-Away A Huge Success

Event Organizers Doubled The Number of Meals Donated Compared To Last Year.

Victor and Amber Estrada were the main event organizers, but many friends pitched in to make it a success.

Turkey Trot 2020 Flyer seconews.org

2020 Turkey Trot SECO News Article - CLICK HERE

The Turkey Trot Poker Run held in October was the Primary Fundraiser for the Charity Event. Forty-seven motorcycles plus numerous other vehicles made the run across the Arkansas Valley on October 17th. The Turkey Trot was also Supported by Donations from Businesses from Around the Arkansas Valley, Crowley County and Las Animas area.

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org

Donations came from around 50 local businesses according to event organizers, including the VFW Post #2411, Hollar Seeds, and The Majestyk Cafe.

Event Organizers Partnered with The Rocky Ford Food Market to fulfill orders and meals were stored at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds.

Turkey Trot seconews.org "The boxes of over 200 meals were put together at the Rocky Ford fairgrounds Friday night so we would have plenty of space to create an assembly line.  The turkeys were picked up from the Rocky Ford Food Market Saturday morning to add to the boxes. There were about a dozen helpers to assemble the boxes Friday night." 

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org "Saturday morning we had a sign up sheet for trucks and motorcycles to go to each town.  We loaded trucks and headed out around noon."

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org Sign up started at 11 a.m. and everyone was done delivering all 205 Meals by about 2:30 p.m. There were 106 more meals given out this year compared to last year.

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org A Full Thanksgiving Meal was Lovingly Delivered to over two-hundred households in Southeast Colorado.

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org The meals included turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, canned vegetables, cranberry sauce and dinner rolls. The Charitable Bikers Delivered Thanksgiving Meals across the Arkansas Valley. Deliveries were made in the following towns: Fowler, Manzanola, Rocky Ford, Swink, Cheraw, La Junta, Las Animas, Olney Springs, Crowley, Ordway and Sugar City.

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org "The trucks/SUVs carried the boxes while the motorcycles followed.  We had at least one truck or SUV to all locations and averaged about 2 motorcycles per vehicle."

Turkey Trot 2020 seconews.org "We want to thank everyone who came out to support the community this year.  We realize times are different and unexpected so we appreciate the support even more in these difficult times we’re all living in."

"We did social distance while dropping off the boxes.  We rang the door bell, left the box on the doorstep and waited by the curb to make sure someone came to the door and to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving."

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