Cheraw Schools COVID-19 Update - Remote Learning Rules

Description: Cheraw School District COVID-19 Information From Their Website...Including Remote Learning Rules...

Published: 11/29/2020
Byline: Hart

Cheraw Schools COVID-19 Update November 29th

Cheraw Schools COVID-19 Update Cheraw Schools COVID-19 Update

Cheraw School is in what?

Cheraw HS teaches many subjects, but pandemic and epidemiology are outside of our knowledge base. Please refer to the corresponding letter sent to the school from the OCPHD. Liberty was taken to omit 6 words from the original. Please contact OCPHD with pandemic questions. Feel free to contact the school with school questions.

The letter says we "can return...on December 9". However, I humbly request that we stay in remote learning through the remainder of the semester. Transitions are not good for students, this gives us time to deep clean and, honestly, its exhausting fighting against the pandemic.


1 - Do not log in while in a car. We have learned that the background noise from the drive is distracting. You'll be counted absent.

2 - If your are in bed during the classroom, you'll be turned off and counted absent. Please stay off the bed.

3 - You must be appropriately dressed from neck to knees, otherwise you will be counted absent. We will contact law enforcement for severe offenders.

4 - Turn in all assignments. Last year, we had many who turned in blank assignments. We've had time to work through the kinks. Blank assignments will be counted the same as unsubmitted work.

5 - 6 through 12 grades must log into every classroom every hour. We will continue to take attendance for our state reports. K-5 will have more lenient hours, depending on the grade level.

6 - Someone will be monitoring phones. Please call the school with questions.

7 - With the extra time, the entire school, especially the classrooms, will be deep cleaned. This includes; shampooed carpets, all surfaces scrubbed and sprayed with commercial anti-viral chemical, and UV lighted.

Letter from OCHD Dated Nov 24th:

Dear Parents,

Your child was in close contact with a student or staff member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Each case of COVID-19 is interviewed by public health. As part of this public health investigation:

The person diagnosed is being kept home from school until they are no longer infectious. 

The person’s mask use, social distancing, and activities while infectious were assessed.

The people who were close contacts of the person with COVID-19 are instructed to stay home for 14 days after the exposure. This is called quarantine. 

Because your child was a close contact of a person with COVID-19, your child must stay home for 14 days. They can return to normal activities on December 9, 2020. During this time, your child should stay home and not go to other schools, activities, childcares, or other activities around other people. If you have children in other classes, they can still go to school unless their sibling gets sick or tests positive for COVID-19. 

If your child develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19:

Follow these isolation instructions.

Have your child tested.

Continue to keep your child home from school and avoid other activities around other people.

Seek medical care and testing for COVID-19, calling your doctor before you show up.

Public Health may recommend or you may choose to have your child tested for COVID-19 a week after they were around the person with COVID-19, even if your child does not have symptoms. A negative test result does not mean that your child will not develop symptoms or become sick after the test. A negative test result means that your child did not have COVID-19 detected at the time of testing. A negative test will not allow your child to come back to school or attend other activities sooner. Medical insurance may not cover the cost of testing for people without symptoms. 

Under the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (“HFWA”), an employer must provide paid leave to an employee under certain conditions, including taking care of someone else due to COVID-19 precautions, including a child whose school, place of care, or child care is closed or unavailable.  [link:]

If you have further questions, please contact your local public health agency at 719-468-6035."



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