Swink Schools Announces Move To Remote Learning Monday Dec. 7th

Description: Info From Swink Schools Superintendent Hebberd...Secondary Schools Going on Remote Learning Monday.

Published: 12/02/2020
Byline: Hart

From Swink Schools Superintendent Hebberd


We will be going to remote learning on Monday December 7th for grades 7-12.  We will have classes as normal for all grades tomorrow so 7-12 students will have an opportunity to go through their schedules and gather supplies and any instructions from teachers in preparation for remote.  

It will also allow staff and students some closure to the semester.  7-12 teachers have been working to have students attend live classes remotely.  This access may be limited tomorrow as teachers focus on preparing in person students for the transition.  

Our elementary numbers are much more positive and given the difficulty of remote instruction with younger students we plan to continue in person learning with the elementary students. 2nd grade will be on remote learning until next Thursday due to staffing concerns. 2nd grade students do not need to quarantine. As always conditions can change rapidly and we will notify parents if things change.


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