Letter to the Editor: La Junta Dog Park Support Wanted at Council March 18th

Description: The Citizens in Support of a La Junta Dog Park are Encouraging the Community to Show Their Support... (The opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are not necessarily those of SECO News or Consulting With A Hart LLC)

The city of La Junta already has plans for a dog park as a parks and recreation project. They even have a grant writer who will be looking for grants and donations. Now is the chance for citizens to give input about the dog park—pros and cons.
To clarify, what our group is asking the city to do is, firstly, to name the dog park “Sirius Memorial Dog Park” to honor a K-9 police officer, Badge #17 that was killed on 9/11 in New York City when the South Tower collapsed on him. By naming the dog park after Sirius, it is not only to honor him, but to also honor all our service and working dogs everywhere.
Secondly, we are asking them for a bronze statue to honor the memory of Sirius at the entrance of the Dog Park with a sign telling his story.
Thirdly, we are asking the city to erect a monument so people who have lost their own beloved canine companions can have the names of their furry buddies engraved on that monument.
Again, we recognize the development of a successful dog park requires a great deal of planning and effort. On the other hand, with dedication and combining all of our ideas, we are confident that La Junta will have a very special place where dogs and their families can enjoy themselves and we could all have a dog park to be proud of. Not only that, it would be a valuable asset for our community.
Thank you all for your assistance,
Supporters of a Dog Park for La Junta:
Betty Lucille Blanco
Angela Davis
Stephanie Garbo
Related Content:
Letter to the Editor: Citizens in Support of a La Junta Dog Park
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