2024 La Junta Rotary Club Foundation Scholarship
Description: Applications will be accepted until April 15. Preferences will be given to those students planning to attend Otero Junior College without regard to the student's choice of major.
2024 La Junta Rotary Club Foundation Scholarship
Applications will be accepted until April 15. Preferences will be given to those students planning to attend Otero Junior College without regard to the student's choice of major. Citizenship, race, creed, sex or age will not affect our choice of a recipient. Scholarships are for one year and may be for $500 - $1,000.
Applicant's need to provide:
1. Applicant's statement of financial need.
2. High school transcripts through the fall semester showing the applicant's academic performance.
3. Personal biography including community service and work history.
4. College you plan to attend and/or have applied.
5. Two letters of recommendation.
6. An essay which illustrates the applicant's leadership and other attributes that would apply to Rotary's Four Way Test:
a) Is it the truth?
b) Is it fair to all concerned?
c) Will it build good will and better friendships?
d) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Information should be submitted to La Junta Rotary Foundation, at lajuntarotary@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 356, La Junta, CO. 81050.
Rotary is the world's largest service organization with 1.2 million members participating in more than 35,000 clubs in over 200 countries and territories. It is not religious or political but rather is dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world.
Rotary is based on service to others such as the eradication of the disease, polio. Right here in our community the La Junta Rotary Club supports education through a project in which we give dictionaries to every third grader, provide college scholarships, help with homework and tutoring, and sponsor inbound and outbound international exchange students.
Scholarship winners will be announced by Second Wednesday of May and funds made available for the fall semester.
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