Cheaters Don't Think For Themselves by Amilee Jimenez
Description: How do local students feel about cheating? Information was gathered as a survey was sent to every La Junta Junior and Senior High School student, asking for their point of view on cheating in this article by Amilee Jimenez...
Cheaters Don’t Think For Themselves
By Amilee Jimenez
As long as students have been in school, they have found ways to cheat the system, from looking over the shoulder of the student next to them to texting answers to a quiz to someone in the next class period.
How do local students feel about cheating? Information was gathered as a survey was sent to every La Junta Junior and Senior High School student, asking for their point of view on cheating. Students have understood the many ways the internet can be used to cheat. As many explained, the internet allows many ways to cheat with little effort. Many argued that the internet was in fact a very accurate way of allowing students to come into contact with answer keys to certain assignments and artificial intelligence that will do the work for the student.
Research on moral disengagement based on cheating signified that 18% of students did not think that the use of unauthorized materials such as social media on any sort of assignment was considered cheating. Another 31% of students believed that getting answers from different resources rather than trying is not cheating or “somewhat” cheating.
Those who cheat step on those who try. Those students who cheat become more privileged, as cheating may feel good in the moment and be beneficial for grades. Teachers around America have pointed out that cheating does end up getting caught in the long run, as cheating can only get those students so far. As there is always a fear that confronting a cheater will escalate negatively, many teachers fairly believe it evens out with the students, eventually catching up to them. But teachers try other ways to curb cheating behaviors.
Many teachers have become strictly inclined with assignments to prevent cheating. Teachers see more of a need to help their students understand why it's important to do the work. For example, when a test-taker who cheats passes their exam, there can be dire consequences for their education. Not only does cheating affect their education for school but also education for the workforce. They may find themselves hired for a job they are unqualified for, which could lead to a variety of unwanted results. Being unqualified can cost them a promotion or even termination. According to a recent study conducted by the ATP Workforce Skills Credentialing Security and Privacy Committee, over 80% of employers surveyed agreed that it is very important to be able to verify credential authenticity.
Cheating will get you nowhere, It may come with short-term benefits but the long-term benefits are few and far between. You are actually capable of so much rather than asking little of yourself. Instead of cheating, just learn and understand the material. The amount of effort that goes into cheating could be applied to learning. Then it becomes a foundation for more learning.
It will be more beneficial to learn from your failure than from a quick answer. You will be guaranteed to feel more accomplished in the end.
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