Crowley County Sheriff Reports: Substitute Teacher Shelby Clarke Arrested for Alleged Sexual Assault on a Child
Description: All Parties Considered Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law. The Crowley County Sheriff's Office Released the Following Reports Related to the Shelby Clarke Arrest for Charges of Alleged Sexual Assault on a Child by One in a Position of Trust. Names of Victims and Witnesses have been Redacted as Have Graphic Descriptions of Alleged Sexual Acts.

Crowley County Sheriff Terry Reeves Reports Crowley County Substitute Teacher Arrested for Sexual Assault on a Child
This article includes verbatim case reports with sexually explicit content, victim's names, and witness names redacted...
1. CCSO Arrest Announced on Facebook
2. Case Narrative by Sheriff Terry Reeves
3. 18 Supplemental Narratives
4. Witness Statements
5. Supplemental Narrative - Arrest Report
All Parties are Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law.
Date Written: 4/26/24
At around 12:30 pm on April 25, 2024 I arrived at the Crowley County Sheriff's Office to find Crowley County School Superintendent Juan Ramirez, Assistant Principal Trish Guillermo, and another adult female I did not know standing on the porch waiting to talk to me.
Juan Ramirez asked if he and Mrs. Guillermo could speak with me alone. I brought them into my office. Juan Ramirez told me that the other female with them was Shelby Clarke who was a substitute teacher and who may be involved in an inappropriate relationship with male students, and who may have sent nude photographs to students.
Mr. Ramirez told me Shelby had come with them to my office on her own accord and was not asked to accompany them. I had no information that any crimes had been committed and basically, had no information at all but since Shelby had come to my office to see me. I did speak with her, Shelby Clarke, in my office.
Prior to bringing her into my office I asked her if she had come here to talk to me. She said yes. I brought her into my office which is recorded. Shelby told me she was confused as to what was going on. I told her apparently there were photographs sent to students of her less than fully clothed.
Shelby responded that she did not know how the students would have got them, but she told me she had an Only Fans page and she does take pictures like that. She said that this past weekend she was intoxicated and was sending photos to her husband. She said she was unsure how students would have got them. She said she was friends with a few students. I told her that we were going to launch an investigation into the school saying she may be involved with a sophomore. She replied I am not. I am married and have a eight month old child.
I told her that I assume due to her Only Fans page that there are photographs of her online. She said oh yes and videos and lots of things but she said she is a consenting adult. She said she has what they call a "Sugar Daddy" that pays her to send videos of a more personal nature than her Only Fans page.
She said anyone in the videos with her is eighteen and over. I asked her if some of these pictures could come up on Snap Chat. She said that is a possibility as she takes most of her pictures using Snap Chat due to the filters.
She said that her Snap Chat account had recently been hacked and her nudes leaked. She said that this happened before while she lived in Springfield, CO which is where she is from.
She said that even though she has never sent photos to anyone under eighteen, they do have them. She said even her sixteen-year-old brother has them. I asked if she had them on her phone. She said yes, I don't think you want to see them, but you can if you need to. I told her yes.
Shelby brought up several photographs of her engaging in sexual intercourse. I asked about the fifteen-year-old and who she thought that was. She said [Redacted]. She said that he is the only sophomore she was friends with. She said he comes to see her some mornings and usually [Redacted] is in there with them. Shelby said as far as she knew the only kids that had photographs of her were in Springfield, CO.
Shelby said this also had happened before her senior year. She said that recently her Snap Chat account had been hacked and that is where she keeps all her pictures. Shelby showed me several photographs on her phone which depicted her and some unknown male nude and closeup photographs [Redacted].
I decided not to take copies of these photographs as I did not have a crime that I was aware of, only rumors. I asked Shelby if she had any messages on that phone with this young man. She said no. She then showed me [Redacted]. She said the only kids on her phone are her own. I asked if she had anything out there a fifteen-year-old should not have.
She said not unless he is paying for it, and you must be eighteen to view those. I asked if there was anything inappropriate with any children at the school. Any photos or sexual contact with any children at the school. She said no. She said [Redacted] I and I are just friends. She told me that the only student that she is friends with is [Redacted] and he is sixteen. I asked is there anything I need to know about with this kid. She said no. I advised her not to message or talk to any kids associated with this as it could likely be a felony to do so. I ended the interview and Shelby left my office.
Crowley County Sheriff
Terry Reeves
Date Written: 04/29/2024
On 26 Apr 2024, I, Corporal Tim Valdez sat in the office with Sheriff Terry Reeves was interviewing [Witness] as a witness involved with this sexual assault case involving Shelby Yvonne Clarke. I was informed there were several nude photos sent from the substitute teacher, Shelby Clarke, to a few juveniles attending the Crowley County High School.
[Witness] is also a substitute teacher for the Crowley County school district. During the interview, [Witness] stated she did not give consent to take photos of her and be shared with anyone. [Witness] claims Shelby and her, alongside with her boyfriend, were at their residence, located at [Redacted] Rocky Ford, Co. 81067, for a little get together over the weekend.
[Witness] states they were all drinking excessively and interacting sexually. [Witness] believes she was the second female in the nude photos that were sent via SnapChat. [Witness] gave us consent to go to their house and collect blankets and photograph the inside of the residence to verify if it was the location of the nude photos sent to juveniles.
We contacted Otero County Sheriff's Office to ask for coverage at this location. After arriving at this address, again I was given consent to enter the home. I took several photos of the home. Some of the descriptions given to us about the photos, brown couches, a queen-sized bed, red and black Aztec blankets and the bathroom were described. The red and blankets I saw were on the brown couches, and I took photos of them without collecting. The queen-sized bed had a red and black Buffalo Plaid comforter on it. There was a bathroom inside the bedroom area.
I took photos of the entire inside of the home and submitted them with this report. After completing this task, Otero County Deputy and I left the scene.
In order for me to request information from SnapChat, I have to have the usernames of the parties involved. I was able to get the username for Shelby Clarke and [Redacted] I gathered these two from [Redacted] after he returned to the Sheriff's Office with his phone. Here he displayed his SnapChat profile to me and Mrs. Clarke's. We also searched to see if we could find the photos described above. Nothing was found. [Redacted] states photos are deleted automatically if they are not saved on SnapChat. I placed these two usernames on a Preservation Request with SnapChat.
Date Written: 04/29/2024
On April 25, 2024 I spoke with Trish Guillermo who told me that she received information that [Redacted] may have been one of the recipients of nude photographs sent by substitute teacher Shelby Clarke. I contacted [Redacted] who is [Redacted]'s father who gave me permission to talk to [Redacted] without him being present.
On April 25, 2024 I spoke with in my Office. told me that a substitute teacher had sent him topless photographs of herself. He told me that all access to those photographs was destroyed. He told me the teacher's name was Shelby. I told [Redacted] that I did not know anything about Snap Chat. He said he was bored and just added her. I asked him how you add someone without knowing something about her.
He said he just typed in three letters, and she came up. He said this was on Friday night April 19, 2024 around 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm. I asked so you searched for her name. I asked if he was looking for her specifically. He said he was not looking for her but had just typed in SH. I told [Redacted] that was difficult to believe. [Redacted] told me he knew her name was Shelby but was not looking for her. I told him that was garbage. I told him of all the people in the world you type in SH and happen to get a teacher who teaches here and who sends you nude photographs. I told him that was not all of this. He said, "Well that was what happened."
[Redacted] told me that after he had figured out it was her, she told him she was drunk. He said that after she came to a little bit, she figured out who he was and sent him a message. He said he then blocked her. [Redacted] denied searching for Shelby he said he just typed SH to see who would come up. I told him so out of the 350 million people in this country you type in SH and get a teacher at your school. He said yes.
I asked [Redacted] about distinguishing characteristics of things in the photographs he had been sent. He said an black and red Aztec blanket, I asked if she had any clothing on at all. He said no the blanket was covering her. He said she was lying on a brown couch.
[Redacted] said that he received a message from Shelby asking who he was. He said he told her [Redacted] from Crowley County. He said she messaged him back that this is your substitute teacher I'm so sorry for sending you that, I was drunk.
Crowley County Sheriff
Terry Reeves
Date Written: 04/29/2024
On April 26, 2024 around 7:30 am I received a call from Crowley County Schools telling me that they had a second teacher that may be involved and asked if I wanted to talk to her.
On April 26, 2024 at around 7:58 [Witness] came to my office. I told [Witness] that I had a bit of a mess going on across the street. I asked what she knew about it. She said that one of the subs was having sexual relations with one of the students.
That sub and I are friends and I may be the other female in the photographs. I asked if there were photographs taken of both of them. She said not to her knowledge, but Shelby did have her phone with her.
[Witness] said this was Saturday and they were drinking. [Witness] said she recalls telling Shelby not to take any pictures of her. [Witness] said they were at her boyfriends house drinking and hanging out. I asked where this was at she said Rocky Ford. I told her that I have photographs of topless females sent to students and asked so that was likely you. She said yes.
I asked her what she could tell me about Shelby's relationship with students. She said she warned Shelby that she should not have them on Snap Chat that she crossing a line. I asked her how she knew Shelby had students on Snap Chat. [Witness] said Shelby had shown her kids like [Redacted] and [Redacted]. She said she did not know she had [Redacted] on Snap Chat until day before yesterday.
[Witness] said she had two students on Facebook and that was weird enough for her. I asked her who. She said [Redacted] a female student and [Redacted]. [Witness] said she did not know that Shelby was sending photographs to kids.
I told her Ok you guys were at your boyfriends house and were you completely nude. She said I don't know but there were times during the night where we were completely nude. [Witness] said her and Shelby did engage in sexual activity that was consensual.
[Witness] said any photographs were not consensual. I asked what may be in the background of any photographs like furnishings. [Witness] described the house. (see Video of interview) to include a brown couch. She said they keep three blankets on the couch and the main one is a red flannel blanket. I asked her if an accurate description would be a red and black Aztec blanket. She said not Aztec but more flannel.
I asked [Witness] if there was anything I needed to know that I had not asked her. She said she tends to cuss a lot in front of the kids and that she had told a girl her butt looked good in jeans.
[Witness] did assist us in getting photographs of the location the photographs were taken at in her boyfriends house at Rocky Ford, CO.
Date Written: 04/30/2024
On April 25, 2024, at around 4:30 pm I conducted an interview with [Redacted] in my office in the presence of his mother [Redacted]. [Redacted] had been named as possibly being involved in an inappropriate relationship with a substitute teacher at the Crowley County Schools. I asked [Redacted] what was going on between him and Mrs. Clarke. [Redacted] told me he had her on Snap Chat and had her phone number.
[Redacted] told me the reason he had her contact information is she told him he could call her if he needed to talk to someone. [Redacted] said she also talked to him about her problems. He said she had a child and was going through a divorce, and he was trying to help her. [Redacted] said there was flirting between them, but it was not serious. I asked if there was anything physical between them [Redacted] said no sir. [Redacted] interrupted and told [Redacted] to think about that answer. [Redacted] maintained there was no physical relationship at all.
I asked about the photographs. [Redacted] said she got drunk and sent photos to different kids. He said she sent him a video, but he did not watch it because he did not know what was going on. I asked so you did not watch any video with her undressed. He said no she had her shirt on. [Redacted] said he only got a video of her grabbing her throat. I told [Redacted] that it seemed that at the same time she was sending photos to other kids where she was less than fully clothed.
[Redacted] told me he had calls from her but deleted all of them. I told [Redacted] that I believed that he was only telling me partial truths. [Redacted] told me that she had sent him videos of Shelby and her friend topless. [Redacted] said he deleted all of them. [Redacted] again told me no physical relationship exists between them I told him I believed he was trying to protect her by lying to me.
[Redacted] said yes, I had sex with her a couple of weeks ago before drama practice. I asked where. [Redacted] said in her car at the park and indicated Conestoga Park near 5th and Colorado Ave, in Ordway, CO. I asked what kind of vehicle they were in. He said he did not know. He said a red car like a small Cadillac or something and it was her car. I asked if he had sexual intercourse with her. He said yes.
[Explicit Content Redacted]
I asked just the one time. He said yes. I asked again just the one time. He said no two times.
[Redacted] said the first time would have been during the week of April 8, 2024. [Redacted] said around 5:30 pm. I asked again twice. [Redacted] said twice. He said the second drama practice at the same spot at the park same car. [Redacted] said it was likely Monday Thursday or Friday. I asked what else. He said he encouraged it a little in the beginning. He said he messaged her that she looked good, and she responded you too, but you have a girlfriend and I have a teachers license.
I asked so just messages and Snap Chat no written notes. He said no written notes. I again asked about the photos. He said mostly her chest area and her tongue sticking out.
[Redacted] asked were her boobs and her nipples showing. [Redacted] said yes. I asked anything else. He said a little bit of her butt. I asked if he knew she had an Only Fans page and does online porn. [Redacted] asked are you on Only Fans. [Redacted] said no he was not on Only Fans.
[Redacted] said she had told him about it but he didn't think she was serious. I asked if any other kids were involved with her. He said he heard a kid named [Redacted]. He said apparently, she was drunk and sent him pictures too. I told [Redacted] that there was a good possibility that she would reach out to him today.
He said she had called him earlier and told him they know something and if they ask you to say no. He said this was around lunch.
Date Written: 04/30/2024
On April 25, 2024, at 5:28 pm [Redacted] and [Redacted] came to my office.
[Redacted] told me he had left out some things when he spoke to me earlier. [Redacted] said that she had narrowed down the date of the first sexual encounter.
They thought it was Friday April 12, 2024 at around 4:15 pm and that Shelby had stayed after school to meet and that she was in a red 4-door car.
[Redacted] said she pulled off her jeans and had no underwear on. He said they were in the back seat of the car. [Redacted] said she had a belly button piercing with a pink diamond pin.
[Redacted] told me the second time was not what he told me earlier but that he had snuck out of his house last night. He said he contacted Shelby via Snap Chat telling her he needed to get out of the house. He said she said OK and came and picked him up at around 10:45 pm. Shelby picked him up and took him to his grandparent's farm where they had sex in the car.
He said that location is on [Redacted]. [Redacted] said they arrived there at 11:00 PM. [Redacted] said Shelby took off all of her clothes as did he. [Redacted] told me they had sexual intercourse and that he [Explicit].
I asked if he had been in the car before. He said no just the two times. I told [Redacted] that I would like to contact Shelby. [Redacted] said OK. [Redacted] said OK as well. I tried to contact Shelby on Snap Chat. [Redacted] and [Redacted] came back to me later and told me Shelby had not responded and had blocked him.
Undersheriff Jim Keen asked where his underwear was at. [Redacted] said the underwear he was wearing at the time was at home. We told them we needed to collect that.
Date Written: 04/30/2024
On April 26, 2024, at 9:00 am [Redacted] and [Redacted] again came to my office. [Redacted] asked to tell me about [Witness]. He asked her first name. I told him [Witness]. He said oh ok. He said he did not mess around with her but talked to her as friends.
I asked him if he had received photographs Saturday night of her with Shelby. He said yes and [Witness] was in it. I asked him why had not told me that. He said he did not think it mattered. I told him so; you did not think getting topless photos of teachers was important. I asked if they were nude. He said you could see her breasts and a little bit of her butt. He said they were sent to him by Shelby. I asked what was in the background of the photos. He said a bed white or pinkish Indian pattern brown cover. He said [Witness] boyfriend was also there. He said in the bathroom was a white shower. [Redacted] said they were video chatting on Saturday about 9-10pm all on Snap Chat.
Crowley County Sheriff
Terry Reeves
Date Written: 04/30/2024
On April 26, 2024 at around 10 am I spoke with [Redacted] who is the mother of [Redacted].
I explained to [Redacted] that [Redacted] name was mentioned in reports I was getting from the school where he may have been the target of a Substitute teachers sexual intentions.
[Redacted] called me a few minutes later and told me that [Redacted] was unaware of any actions by the teachers.
Date Written: 05/01/2024
On April 29, 2024 I spoke with [Redacted] who is the father of [Redacted].
I explained to [Redacted] that [Redacted] was named as a student that a substitute teacher made sexual comments about.
[Redacted] spoke with [Redacted] who was unaware of any comments from this teacher.
Date Written: 05/01/2024
On April 25th I was present during an interview conducted by Sheriff Reeves on [Redacted]. [Redacted] described sneaking out of his house the night before and having sex with his substitute Teacher Shelby Clarke.
He described that she had picked him up in a red 4 door hatch back car with tented windows and driven to his grandparents abandoned property on [Redacted]. I found the location on X maps but it did not have an address. The farm is located near the town of Crowley.
I drove to the location and found the red barn as [Redacted] and his mother [Redacted] had described. The driveway leading into the location had two distinct fresh sets of tracks. One appeared a wider set of pickup tracks and the other appeared to be car tracks. The car tracks turned in and turned around a water hydrant in the yard. I photographed the tracks and took a short video and placed the pictures and video into evidence.
We had two different addresses for the suspect of [Redacted] and [Redacted] in North La Junta. I sent Deputy Gray to see if a vehicle matching the description had described could be found and see where it was located. Deputy Gray found a red 2011 Mazda CX7 Colorado plate [Redacted] matching the description at [Redacted].
The vehicle lists to [Redacted] in Rocky Ford CO. Deputy Hall was able to confirm [Redacted] and Shelby are friends on face book. While Deputy Gray was in the area Shelby called the Otero Sheriff's Office reporting the unmarked car Gray was driving as a suspicious vehicle at [Redacted].
I emailed a computer generated picture of a 2012 Mazda CX7 to [Redacted] and she called me back and stated stated that is the make and model of the car he and Shelby Clarke had sex in at the park in Ordway and at the address on [Redacted].
End summary of facts.
Date Written: 05/01/2024
On 5-1-24 at approximately 2:20 I interviewed [Redacted] and her mother [Redacted]. I went over the statement that she had provided to Ms. Guillermo at the school.
She had no further information on this incident other than what she had written in her statement. In her statement she stated Shelby Clarke was "touching" [Redacted]. I asked how she was touching him and she indicated like touching his arms "like a high school crush"
end summary of facts.
Date Written: 05/02/2024
On 5-2-24 I Jim Keen applied for a search warrant to seize and search the 2011 Mazda CX7 involved in this case. The Search Warrant was approved and executed. I seized the vehicle after allowing the Clarkes to remove their groceries and personal belongings at [Redacted] in North La Junta. I seized the vehicle at 14:33 hours and K&S towing loaded the vehicle on their tow truck.
I followed the tow truck to our County Evidence yard where I taped all doors and secured it in our evidence yard. Sheriff Reeves contacted CBI and an agent will be here tomorrow 5-3-24 at 08:00 to process the vehicle. I placed the tow slip on Sgt Mazzella's desk and gave the keys to the vehicle and search warrant to CPL Valdez as he is working tomorrow and will assist CBI.
Date Written: 05/06/2024
On 5-6-24 at 10:00 I Undersheriff Jim Keen returned the Mazda seized for a search warrant was returned to the registered owner. I gave them a copy of the signed search warrant, Exhibit B, the search warrant return and the inventory left in the vehicle by CBI and CPL Valdez.
End Summary of facts.
Date Written: 05/07/2024
On 5-6-24 I conducted a BWC recorded interview with witness [Redacted] in the presence of her mother. She reported the same facts she had reported to the school principal Trish Guillermo. Shelby Clarke singled her out and informed [Redacted] she had gotten intoxicated and sent inappropriate photographs to a male student. Shelby Clarke told her that she had sent nude pictures [Redacted] to who she thought was [Redacted] but when to [Redacted] instead. [Redacted] stated Shelby showed her a photograph of herself without nudity indicating she was intoxicated. See BWC for full details.
Date Written: 05/07/2024
On 29 Apr 2024, I was able to collect the SnapChat usernames for [Redacted] and [Redacted] from a co-worker. We looked at their app for SnapChat and typed in the names of interest and found the usernames very easily. We did have to type in more than two letters to retrieve this information. [Redacted] claims he found Shelby Clarke's profile by accident only typing two letters.
Later in the afternoon, one witness, [Redacted] arrived at the Sheriff's Office to give her statement.
[Redacted] states that Mrs. Clarke one day as she was substituting for the weight class teacher, approached her and a friend, to tell them about the boys that were "hot", and she would like to [Explicit]. The names Mrs. Clarke stated was [Juvenile #1], [Juvenile #2], [Juvenile #3], [Juvenile #4], [Juvenile #5], and [Juvenile #6].
[Redacted] continues saying on a day both Mrs. Clarke and [Witness] were substituting, Mrs. Clarke sent her class to be taught by [Witness] so Mrs. Clarke could spend the day with [Redacted]. [Redacted] says [Redacted] is the type who is always late to class when the regular teacher is there but is very early when the class has Mrs. Clarke as the substitute teacher.
On 2 May 2024, we had several possible witnesses appear to give their statements. The list is as follows:
0800 hrs was [Redacted] and likes to go by [Redacted]. [Witness] states she has seen Mrs. Clarke displaying a vape pen with a marijuana logo on it to several students as a substitute teacher. [Witness] also claims to have seen affectionate touching done by Mrs. Clarke on [Redacted]. She described it as rubbing his shoulder gently. [Witness] also states Mrs. Clarke is describing writing a Dark Novel in front of several students being told it includes porn.
0830 hrs, [Redacted] arrived at the Sheriff's Office to voluntarily submit a DNA sample. The sample was taken and placed in the B.E.A.S.T. system to be sent to CBI for testing.
(Editor's Note: B.E.A.S.T. (Bar Coded Evidence Analysis Statistics and Tracking) software program which provides Forensic Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) for crime labs and Evidence Management Systems (EMS) for police agencies.)
0900 hrs, was [Redacted], [Witness] states Mrs. Clarke was "overly friendly" with male students. Mrs. Clarke would buy them energy drinks and the male students would gather around her desk. [Witness] also states [Redacted] wouldn't go to any other classes for the day. [Redacted] would just hang out in a classroom with Mrs. Clarke for the day. [Witness] continues saying what looked like a writing pen was a vape pen with a marijuana logo and claims Mrs. Clarke said it was easy to hide. [Witness] also brings up the Dark Novel again saying Mrs. Clarke was writing it in class as the students worked on their projects.
[Redacted] walked into class one day and "grabbed" Mrs. Clarke's butt. After I asked how Mrs. Clarke responded saying she would "act normally" and let a 17-year-old grab her. [Witness] described Mrs. Clarke and [Witness] as two peas in a pod. Mrs. Clarke was described as a Safe Spot at first, but overtime, Mrs. Clarke escalated talking to male students because she was getting a divorce with her husband. [Witness] states she has a SnapChat account and spoke with Mrs. Clarke on it. [Witness] allowed me to look at her phone and photograph the conversation. In the conversation on SnapChat, Mrs. Clarke states she received legal advice from her attorney not to discuss this case with anyone.
0950 hrs, was [Redacted]. [Witness] states the first time she met Mrs. Clarke was in her Art class. [Witness] was surprised with this because Mrs. Clarke was a substitute teacher for the school office downstairs. About a week later, Mrs. Clarke was a substitute teacher for [Redacted]'s Biology class. [Witness] was also a substitute teacher for another class. [Witness] continues saying Mrs. Clarke was displaying a vape pen to the class. [Redacted] walked in and "slapped" Mrs. Clarke on the butt. [Witness] told [Redacted] "Don't do that again!" I asked how Mrs. Clarke responded to the slap on the butt.
[Witness] says Mrs. Clarke smiled at [Redacted] and just sat back down. [Witness] continues saying [Redacted] was in class early everyday Mrs. Clarke was the substitute. [Witness] described [Redacted] has always been late and does not do his class work on a normal day. The Dark Novel was mentioned again, and [Witness] states Mrs. Clarke was typing it in class as the students was doing their work.
1100 hrs was [Redacted]. [Witness] states he was told by [Redacted] and [Redacted] that the nude photos were sent to them by Mrs. Clarke. [Witness] also claims he saw Mrs. Clarke and [Redacted] across the street at the city park, "making out". When asked to describe the making out, [Witness] responded, kissing each other, sitting on the bench in the park. [Witness] continues saying [Redacted] has told him he and Mrs. Clarke have had sexual intercourse three times, and [Redacted] has never lied to him.
1300 hrs, was [Redacted]. [Redacted] states she has only heard the rumors. [Witness] states she has seen [Witness] act funny in front of [Redacted].
1455 hrs, was Peyton Mills. Mrs. Mills is the school counselor and the one who reported this incident to the school administration. Mrs. Mills claims [Redacted] is the one who first reported this to her. Mrs. Mills continues in this interview, the first time she met was Mrs. Clarke was when she was a substitute for the front office.
Mrs. Mills claims Mrs. Clarke shared too much private information to the public. Mrs. Mills also states Mrs. Clarke shared a lot of information about her Dark Novel to students. Mrs. Mills requested to the school admin, not to allow Mrs. Clarke work the front desk again. Mrs. Mills then states, [Witness] was a good substitute when she first started, but when Mrs. Clarke came into the facility, it went downhill for [Witness].
1520 hrs, was [Redacted]. [Witness] was the last witness of the day. [Witness] claims he has only heard rumors and has not seen any activity involving Mrs. Clarke or [Redacted].
End of Report.
Date Written: 05/07/2024
On 2 May 2024, Undersheriff Jim Keen was able to complete a warrant for searching the vehicle involved with this incident. It was towed to the Crowley County Shops and placed in a secured location. CBI was contacted and stated they will be here on 3 May 2024 to complete the search for possible body fluids inside the vehicle.
At approximately 0800 hrs, CBI Crime Scene Analyst Heather Sczech arrived at the Sheriff's Office. I took her over to the Crowley County Shops to start the investigation. Mrs. Sczech took several photos of the vehicle. Items were removed in sections of the vehicle and photographed.
Mrs. Sczech used a blacklight while wearing orange tinted goggles. On the back seat of the vehicle, several locations were found with possible body fluid. This includes the entire back seat, the back of the seat and the headliner. After videotaping the areas listed, Mrs. Sczech used a scalpel to cut out the sections of the seat. 5 cutouts were removed from the passenger side rear seat, 1 cutout was removed from the rear middle seat, 5 cutouts from the driver side rear seat and 1 cutout was removed from the passenger side rear headliner.
All cutouts were placed in manilla envelopes, documented and recorded. These items were then signed over to me and placed in our B.E.A.S.T. system. No other items were found or seized.
End of Report
Date Written: 05/08/2024
On 7 May 2024, I completed the Warrant request for SnapChat. It was signed by the Judge and then submitted to SnapChat via email. A copy of this warrant is included with this report.
Date Written: 05/08/2024
On May 2nd 2024 LT Salzbrenner and I executed a 41.1 drafted by Sheriff Reeves to collect DNA sample from suspect Shelby Clarke in La Junta, Otero County Colorado. Otero County Undersheriff Mat Wallace met us on scene. Lt Salzbrenner collected the sample buccal swab and I placed it into evidence.
End summary of fact.
Date Written: 05/09/2024
On May 8, 2024, at around 2:45 pm I spoke with [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted] in my office. I explained to [Redacted] and [Redacted] what I believed had gone on which was that around a week or so ago two schoolteachers Shelby Clark and [Witness] were drinking and having sex with each other, and Shelby took nude photographs of them and sent those photographs to students, including to [Redacted] through [Redacted]'s Snap Chat account.
[Redacted] told me that his tablet did have Snap Chat on it but he had never talked to Shelby Clarke on it. [Redacted] said [Redacted] told him that Shelby had added [Redacted] as a contact.
I told him that my understanding was that she was pursuing him whether he knew it or not. I asked if he knew that. He said not until this started coming out.
[Redacted] said she has substituted taught some of his classes. He said he never felt she singled him out, but she did talk about drugs in class.
[Redacted] said she stated that she had been fired from other schools for smoking something. [Redacted] said he knew that Shelby had sent nude photos to his account, but he never saw them.
I asked [Redacted] who had deleted all the stuff from the tablet. He said [Redacted] did. [Redacted] told me that he never had any physical contact with Shelby Clark. He said he was never even alone with her.
I also spoke with [Redacted]. I told [Redacted] that I assumed what he had lied to me about was to protect his brother. He said yes. I asked if the photographs you received were meant for [Redacted]. He said yes. He told me he was on [Redacted]'s account.
She likely thought she was sending the photographs to [Redacted]. I told [Redacted] to correct me if I'm wrong but that after she had sent the photographs, she messaged you and asked who you were. He said yes. I asked if she told him she thought he was [Redacted]. He said yes.
I asked [Redacted] again who was in the photographs he had received. He said just Shelby Clarke. [Redacted] told me he had never had any physical contact with Shelby Clarke.
Date Written: 05/09/2024
On May 9, 2024, Undersheriff Jim Keen and I, Deputy Isaac Johnson, executed a felony warrant arrest of Shelby Clarke with the assistance of the Otero County Sheriff's Office in the town of Fowler, located in Otero County.
We attempted to contact Mrs. Clarke at her residence at [Redacted] in La Junta, CO, without success. A neighbor told us that the Clarkes were at the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Pueblo, CO, and showed us a Snapchat picture of Mrs. Clarke in the restaurant. The neighbor also mentioned that the Clarkes were driving a small green car with a vanity license plate. The Otero County Sheriff's Office confirmed the vehicle as a Geo Metro. My wife was in the vicinity of the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Pueblo and confirmed that the green Geo Metro was indeed at the restaurant with matching Colorado temporary tag and the custom plate displayed in the rear window. She said that the vehicle had just departed the restaurant before the Pueblo Police could respond. We decided to proceed to Fowler to wait for them.
I positioned myself at Town and County Storage in Fowler and monitored Highway 50. At approximately 8:00 PM, I observed the green Geo Metro traveling eastbound on Highway 50 with the matching Colorado temporary tag. A Colorado Vanity license plate was visible in the vehicle's back window, and there were two occupants inside.
I activated the emergency lights of my patrol truck and initiated a traffic stop on Highway 50 at Chelsey's restaurant in Fowler, CO. The two occupants in the vehicle were the driver, Nathan Clarke and the passenger, Shelby Clarke. Shelby Clarke was taken into custody, and the vehicle was searched for evidence, resulting in the discovery of two cell phones belonging to Mrs. Clarke. I transported Mrs. Clarke to Crowley County Jail while the Otero County Sheriff's Office completed the traffic stop.
Mrs. Clarke consented to the search of the cell phones taken into evidence and provided us with the passcodes. I subsequently booked both cell phones into evidence.
End summary of facts.
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