Rocky Ford Police Detain Kidnapping and Assault Suspect Without Incident
Description: The Rocky Ford Police Department Released the Following Incident Report... Photos Courtesy of RFPD.
Rocky Ford Police Detain Kidnapping and Assault Suspect Without Incident
About 11pm, 29th May, 2024, Rocky Ford Police Chief McDonagh and Officer Morris identified a BMW SUV that was involved in a serious incident in Manzanola, earlier in the evening. The vehicle was observed as it entered Rocky Ford, traveling eastbound, at the intersection of Elm Avenue and N 2nd Street.
The vehicle was stopped on the 1300 block of Elm Avenue, after confirming it was the vehicle of interest with the Rocky Ford Emergency Communications Center. 53 year old Paul Hilton was detained on scene, without incident.
On the arrival of Sergeant Pina, of the Otero County Sheriff’s Office (the investigating agency for the original incident), Paul was officially placed under arrest and transported to the Bent County Sheriff’s Office, facing charges for 1st degree kidnapping, 1st degree assault, reckless endangerment and driving while license under restraint (revoked - habitual traffic offender).
***All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law***
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