La Junta Fire Department VS Voss Canyon Fire in Higbee Valley

Description: The La Junta Fire Department Released the Following Incident Report Regarding a Wildfire South of La Junta Started by Lightning...

Published: 07/02/2024
Byline: SECO News

La Junta Fire Department VS Voss Canyon Fire in Higbee Valley

Otero County Sheriff Higbee area Fire Update Wednesday, July 3, 2024:

"Otero County EM Danny Chavez and Lex Nichols scouted the fire area with a drone this morning.  There appeared to be a couple of smokers in the black, which is not overly concerning.  The overnight rain really helped with this fire and brought some much needed moisture to the southern part of the county."

"Access to the site by land required a river crossing, which is currently impassable.  All resources have been released and the land owner will monitor over the next couple of days."

"Cause was believed to be a lightning strike a couple of days ago and I do not have an updated estimate of size do to some of the difficult terrain and inaccessibility." - Sheriff Mobley

At approx 416pm today (7/2/24) we were notified of a fire starting to burn down South of La Junta in Higbee Valley.

Upon arrival we found a wildland fire burning in steep terrain in area known as Voss Canyon.

The area was tough for hand crews to make much progress but the assistance of Air Tanker 10 and Air Tanker 164 out of Colorado Springs they dropped fire slurry around the fire to help slow the progress. Hand crews were able to make some progress on the Southeast end of the fire.

Its estimated size is about 25 acres. The fire started from a lightning strike the night before.

Thank you to Piñon Canyon Fire, DFPC BC34, Otero County SO and Otero County Emergency Management and Pueblo Interagnecy for assisting us tonight. Crews will go back out tomorrow for more hand work.

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