Chelsea Minjarez Sentenced to 15 Months in Federal Prison for Threatening Ordway Citizens

Description: July 17, 2024: Chelsea Minjarez was sentenced to fifteen months in federal prison, followed by three years of probation, for threatening to shoot citizens and blow up the town of Ordway, CO, in an attempt to force resignations of Judge Richard Medina and Terry Reeves. Minjarez was arrested by the Crowley County Sheriff’s Office and transferred to federal custody. She must also undergo mental health and substance abuse treatment. Sheriff Terry Reeves expressed gratitude to all those who assisted in the investigation. The Crowley County Sheriff's Office Released the Following Statement...

Published: 07/17/2024
Byline: SECO News

Chelsea Minjarez Sentenced to 15 Months in Federal Prison for Threatening Ordway Citizens

On June 27, 2022, several people in the Ordway, CO area received text messages threatening to shoot its citizens and blow up the town, if Judge Richard Medina and I (Terry Reeves) did not resign by the end of the day. This was a blatant attempt to influence an election and hold the people hostage to fear.  The Sheriff’s office launched an immediate investigation and quickly found one, and only one suspect who was not even in the Crowley County area but residing in Denver.  Once the investigation was complete our Federal Partners at the FBI and the US Attorney’s office agreed to assist and to prosecute this incident in the Federal District Court. 

On July 6, 2022, Chelsea Minjarez was arrested by the Crowley County Sheriff’s Office and transferred to Federal custody. She was later released on bond and promptly absconded.

In October of 2022 the Crowley County Sheriff’s Office again arrested Chelesa Minjarez on a failure to appear warrant. Chelsea has been in custody in the metro area since that arrest. 

On July 17, 2024, Chelsea Minjarez was sentenced in the Denver division of the United States District Court to fifteen months in Federal Prison followed by three years’ probation, and must undergo mental health and substance abuse treatment. 

I would like to thank all the people that helped with this investigation and brought it to a successful conclusion.

- Crowley County Sheriff Terry Reeves

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