Fine Arts League 2024 Early Settler’s Day Art Show Judge Announced, Schedule Released

Description: Fine Arts League’s Early Settlers Day Art Show Organizers Announce Judge and Schedule...

Fine Arts League 2024 Early Settler’s Day Art Show Judge Announced, Schedule Released
Lani Vlaaderen has been chosen to judge the Fine Arts League’s Early Settlers Day Art Show, which will be held Sept. 5-8 at the Koshare Art Museum, 115 West 18 th Street, La Junta, CO.
Vlaaderen currently lives near Crowley, CO. She started her art career when her children were young, and she found her passion painting rural scenes and wildlife. She began her studies at the Art Students League of Denver with Kim English, and later worked with Richard Schmid. Her work has been featured at several exhibitions, and is currently featured at Arts at Denver Online gallery (, Abend Gallery (, and at her Riverhawke Studio in Crowley.
Working primarily in oil paints, she describes her technique as “an expression of liquid light in an attempt to exude the essence of her subject rather than a totally realistic setting.”
Artists are encouraged to enter the show. Entries must be brought to the Koshare Art Museum from noon to 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5. No mailed artwork or slides will be accepted. The cost is $10 per entry, non-refundable, with a maximum of five entries per artist.
Arrangements may be made with other artists to deliver artwork, but the artwork must be accompanied by a completed entry form and proper payment of fees.
All artwork is required to be marked for sale, with a minimum of $50 per piece. Artists are asked to not enter pieces they are not willing to sell. A 20 percent commission will be taken from all sales for those who are not members of the Fine Arts League, and a 10 percent commission will be taken from all sales by members.
Cash prizes are: Best of Show, $250; Judge’s Choice, $150; People’s Choice, $100. Ribbons will be awarded in all categories.
Art categories include oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, graphite/charcoals, photography (color and black and white), digital arts/digitally manipulated photographs, mixed media, and 3-D arts (including jewelry, fiber arts, pottery, and sculpture).
AI-generated images, pre-stamped kits, diamond art kits, paint by number kits or any other commercially produced art kits will not be accepted.
Artwork created in a workshop is eligible for this show if it was created by the artist’s own original source photo or plein air. Artwork created with a source photo supplied from the workshop presenter will not be accepted.
The Fine Arts League reserves the right to refuse to exhibit any item not conforming to FAL standards.
Original artwork and photography must have been completed within the last three years. All paintings and photographs must be framed or on gallery-wrapped canvas ready to hang with picture wire. Size limitation is 48” by 48”. Artists must be 18 years of age or older.
More specific guidelines can be found on the Fine Arts League Facebook page under recent media. Questions may be directed to
Any category with fewer than six entries may be judged as entered or combined/moved to another category per the judge’s discretion.
The art show schedule is as follows:
Friday, Sept. 6: Art show closed to the public. 9 a.m.- noon, judging; noon - 1 p.m., judge’s luncheon; 1:30 p.m.: judge’s critique.
Saturday, Sept. 7: art show open to the public, 1 - 4 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 8: art show open to the public, 1 - 4p.m. An awards ceremony and public reception will be held at 3 p.m.
All artwork must be picked up on Sunday at 4 p.m. No early pickups! All artwork must be checked out by the show registrar. Arrangements may be made in writing with other artists to ensure removal of pieces. All artwork not picked up by the removal deadline will be subject to a $5 per day storage charge.
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