Swink Schools K-12 Return to In Person Learning Planned For January 11th

Description: From Swink Schools: This delay to returning in-person in combination with the new shortened quarantine guidance should allow us to ride out any impact of a holiday surge before starting in-person. We plan to start in-person K-12 on January 11th.

Published: 12/16/2020
Byline: Hart

From Swink Schools Superintendent Hebberd


Return to School January-  Prior to the Thanksgiving break we heard from health agencies at various levels that there could be a surge in cases as families traveled to visit friends and relatives over the holiday break.  We experienced some of that surge when we resumed school on the 30th.  We started with staff and students who were out due to positive tests, waiting for test results, quarantine related to exposures over the break and some who were starting to show symptoms.  As we moved through that first week back we continued to have an increasing number of kids out for various reasons, especially 7-12.  The increasing absence rate within our school population at the secondary level prompted a move to remote learning to finish the semester.

As we approach the Christmas/New Year break, we hear those same concerns being echoed of a surge related to holiday travel.  In an effort to mitigate the impact of that surge to the extent possible, we will make some adjustments to our return to school schedule in January.

Students are scheduled to return to school January 5th.  6th grade through 12th grade will return to remote learning January 5th, 6th, and 7th.  K-5 students will have an extended break during this time.  They will not be in session and will not be engaged in remote learning.  Minimum instructional hour requirements from CDE are different for grades K-5 than for 6-12.  Remote learning for grades 6-12 is necessary to help meet minimum instructional hour requirements.  In an effort to provide more flexibility to families given the increased difficulty of remote learning for younger kids, they will simply have an extended break.  K-5 will easily meet instructional hour requirements.  Please note  the remote learning for these three days does include 6th grade.  

This delay to returning in-person in combination with the new shortened quarantine guidance should allow us to ride out any impact of a holiday surge before starting in-person.  We plan to start in-person K-12 on January 11th.  This is a full 11 days after New Years and should alleviate the majority of any exposure that might happen during the break.  This should also allow us to start in-person learning with a clearer picture of what is happening in our school  population.  

Staff will have a work day on the 4th of January and the office will be open January 4-7 if you have any questions.  Again we encourage families to email our Health Nurse, Stacy Davis.


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