Judy Venard Obituary
Description: Judy Venard Obituary... Our Heartfelt Condolences To Her Loved Ones...
Judy Venard
January 25th, 1942 - January 5th, 2025
Judy Venard passed away peacefully on January 5th 2025 at the age of 82, however she would not like that I stated her age. Judy was the oldest of 6 siblings raised in the Lewiston/Clarkston area. Judy made her career in the service industry. She owned a bar with her first husband Tuffy before moving to Colorado. Judy lived in the Arkansas valley for 47 years. She and her husband Perry owned BB’s night club for many years. Judy was a very hard worker, she always made sure that her customers were happy with their experience.
Judy liked to visit and play cards with her friends and she had a smile that would light up a room. Judy loved to go to cripple creek and play slot machines and she even hit a few jack pots over the years. Judy was a good cook, she cooked lunch for her family every day for years after she sold BB’s, those lunches were filled with laughter. She liked to go to the races and watch her son in law Kelly and her grandson Q race their cars. She loved having pets, especially kitties, she had many over the years. All the animals were spoiled and loved. Judy will be dearly missed and never forgotten.
Judy is survived by her daughters Dawn Wirick and Sarah (Kelly) Yutterman, and her grandchildren TJ, Myria, and Quinton. Six great grandchildren and her brother Dennis. Judy is preceded in death by her husband Perry, son Ed, all but one sibling, and Parents Pat and Owen. At Judy’s request, there will be no services held.
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