Multi-Agency Bust Nets Drugs, Guns, and Arrest in Crowley County

Description: Sheriff Terry Reeves credited citizen tips for aiding the investigations and confirmed that more arrests are expected as the cases develop...

Published: 01/09/2025
Byline: SECO News

Multi-Agency Bust Nets Drugs, Guns, and Arrest in Crowley County

On January 8, 2025, the Crowley County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Colorado Bureau of Investigations, the Rocky Ford Police Department and The Otero County Sheriff's Office executed three search warrants in Ordway and Rocky Ford. All Three warrants were for illegal drugs and or fugitives. 

Confiscated was fentanyl, methamphetamine, marijuana and several firearms.

On January 9, 2025, Tiffany Lovato (who was not found during the raid) was arrested on a felony distribution warrant in the 400 Block of East 2nd St Ordway, CO. 

Much of these cases can be attributed to citizen tips to the Crowley County Sheriff’s Office.

More arrests to follow...

Sheriff Terry Reeves

All Parties Considered Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court of Law.

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