Contractors Making Progress on Livewell Park on Santa Fe Ave in La Junta

Description: Brandon Amrhein, Curtis Sherwood, and Kyle Keck (background) with SBT Electrical and Mechanical Worked on Installing Electrical Lines Tuesday at The Livewell Park in La Junta.

Published: 01/05/2021
Byline: Hart

Contractors Making Progress on Livewell Park on Santa Fe Ave in La Junta 

Brandon Amrhein with SBT Electrical and Mechanical took a moment away from drilling to talk about their progress. He said last month they got the power box installed. They are currently installing lines to feed power to the lighting.

After concrete work is complete, the SBT Electrical crew will return to install the lighting system on the "Wishing Tree."

According to Amrhein, the crew will also be installing outlets in the park gazebo.SBT Electrical and Mechanical Livewell Park Santa Fe Ave La Junta SECO NEWS

After a short discussion with Curtis Sherwood about the various events and gatherings that could be held at the park, Amrhein fired up the drill and continued clearing the way for the new electrical lines.

SBT Electrical and Mechanical Santa Fe Livewell Park SECO NEWSThe SBT Electrical and Mechanical Crew Worked Until There Was Very Little Daylight Left. The project is scheduled for completion this Spring.

Here's more information about the park from Cynthia Nieb from La Junta Economic Development,

"The Main Street La Junta Design Committee has been meeting for over a year to work on Livewell Park.  Anyone can be part of the Committee. The purpose of the park is to provide a place to rest and revive and to be entertained (we have a stage, misting stations, a mural, a Richard Hale sculpture, homemade musical instruments, water station, labyrinth, ample shade, bike racks, and seating).  We have four grants that have supported the development of the grant:  Heal Cities, CDOT, Main Street, and AARP are the funders.  We've had a variety of volunteers from the Boy Scouts to OJC staff to businesses to City Council staff.  If you or anyone else would like to contribute time, ideas, and sweat equity, please attend our next virtual meeting."

Details for the next virtual meeting:

La Junta Design Committee

Monday, January 11⋅5:00 – 6:00pm


Cynthia Nieb is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Topic: Main Street La Junta Design Committee 

Time: Jan 11, 2021 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 

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Urban Renewal, Economic Development, Main Street & CLG 




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