Around Abbys Table: Opening the Lines of Communication
Description: A Summer sunrise in my backyard in Swink, Colorado.
Around Abby’s Table:
Opening the Lines of Communication
One of our weekday morning routines is to watch the local (out of Springs) and national news as we start our days. It seems like over the last several years there is more fear-mongering in advertising and on the news. Often times I think I just won’t turn it on the next morning. But, to stay some what informed, and for the kids to have that conversational currency I always seem to turn it on again. This morning I expressed this feeling on Facebook…….
I am “so, tired of all the fear on the morning news and in all the ads. So, tired of all the division and the Us vs Them attitude. We are all "We the people." We need to stop focusing on what makes us different and begin to focus on what makes us the same. We are brothers and sisters and it's time to stop bickering with each other and embrace one another. Because, if there is an Us vs Them, it's We The People vs those trying (and sadly succeeding) to divide us.”
A friend commented that we need to open the line of communication up. To talk about the wrongs that have been committed and the untruths that have been told and spread. I 100% agree with the statement made. We do need to communicate with each other. I spent some time thinking this morning while I worked. (My mind really gets deep when I give massages) I wanted to express my feelings the best way and for them to be clearly stated. I wanted to do so in a kind and loving manner, because I truly believe the only way to heal and move forward is in loving kindness together. This was my comment…….
“Yes, we need to stop the fighting and start talking and listening to our brothers and sisters. Yes, we should all be talking and listening to each other. Talking and listening respectfully and lovingly to one another. We should be talking and listening about how we move forward into tomorrow. Talking and listening about what we have learned and what we have taken away from the last six weeks, ten months, five, fifteen, twenty, two hundred years. Talking and listening about how we the people can grow out of our past, and heal the many gaping and bleeding wounds our people have received, and have inflicted. It is time to look at our household (in the broad scope as a nation, and personally) and clean it up. It is time to stop looking for specks in each other's eyes and start removing the logs in our own. It is time to start not just talking and listening, but time to start taking the steps for healing. It is a hard and difficult conversation for sure. It won't be easy, and we won't all agree on many points, because we are so diverse and that is what happens when we talk and listen to understand and grow. We are one nation, one family, with a big and bright colorful background. Not one of us has had the same walk. We can all learn from our different life out looks. Let's stop fighting and yelling and let's stop making it about who is right and who is wrong. Let's start talking and listening and growing and healing and moving on into a brighter tomorrow.”
I do talk to my kids and husband as well as to my friends and family. And, yes, I listen too. We talk about the truth and untruth. We talk about right and wrong, and how we should do our best to treat others - how we want them to treat us. We talk about how love is a verb, it is an action to be lived out in our daily lives. Our family table is our inheritance and I know it has had many conversations held around it on how each of us can make tomorrow better. I keep those conversations alive. I am here and willing to talk and listen to all my brothers and sisters. I would encourage you all to start the conversation within your home, around your table.
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