Sleeping on the Blanket - A Love Letter To My Wife

Description: My career is dedicated to making the world a better place for our family and community loved ones. is my undying and un-ending love letter to my wife, my children, my childrens children, and our community Loved Ones.

Published: 06/04/2020
Byline: Hart

A love letter to my wife and our shared pursuit of the American Dream . . .

Late one night while I was trying to fix the American dream, the same way many before had attempted to accomplish this, by writing it out. . . I did what those before me did. I let exhaustion win. My wife had gone to bed long before me so she was not snoring, but sound asleep.

Regardless of the temperature in my house, cold in the winter, hot in the summer, or somewhere between the two I always wrap up in a blanket from head to foot. It feels like its a temperature issue, but really for me it's comfort. It's knowing that my windows are open and the mercury will rise or fall and I'll sleep right through it. It's that warm feeling of security.

I crawl into bed and do what any man wants to do in bed. I put my arms around my wife. Then I quietly whisper in my love's ear, “you're laying on the blanket.”

Now I know the easy solution would be to get another blanket or go sleep on the couch, but I know my wife will feel like something is wrong if she awakes to me out on the couch. I could go crawl in the dog house just as easily. Another blanket seems like an easy solution, but it creates a separation that is the opposite of that “every man wants to sleep with his arms around his wife sentiment” I was just talking about, and my wife knows it.

Ever get cranky because you're so tired and for whatever reason going to sleep is not an option? I'm talking about the never go to bed angry promise that you and your newly wed spouse had to give to a friend or loved one on your wedding day. You might scream it out, but you find a resolution before finding rest. That's kinda how I feel when I get abruptly woken in the middle of the night, like I woke up angry or as the cliché goes, “on the wrong side of the bed” so I know better than to get upset and yell at my problem.

Instead I slip into bed I grab the edge of the blanket and I gently slide it out from under Abby's shoulder. If she tussles then I freeze. I wait for her to settle again and creep the blanket out from under her as quietly and as smoothly as I can. You know . . . so as not to wake my sleeping love.

After hardly sleeping four hours I awoke with the realization that I had to put words to paper about my feelings. About my feelings for the woman I have loved since Junior High and undoubtedly even before that. About my feelings towards the American Dream and how I can help maintain it.

Now I had spent many sleepless nights in this pursuit of Americana. It sounds so romantic doesn't it? Well, it felt painful, not finding a solution when I knew there was one, it was like going to bed angry at myself every night.

I realized what I had to do and how I had to obligate myself to see it through. It was like I already had the screaming infant kicking out of the swaddled blanket in my arms. Not much sleep going on, but as I got to share the songs I knew by heart with my sleeping daughter for the first time, there was a whole lotta love.

I accepted that even an Idea is empowering. It's the essence of freedom, but the fruition of a dream is the essence of America. All of a sudden it didn't matter that I don't have the means or ability, what mattered was that I had this idea that I thought was so ground-breaking I could change my community for the better.

So as I sat weary from lack of sleep, in an old country radio station t-shirt, wearing my favorite pajama pants, which were stolen from the OB ward at the doctor's recommendation after my daughter was delivered via emergency C-section, I wrote. I wrote until this came out.

America is new again, so let's swaddle her up tight and warm. Let's sing her songs of freedom and love, and when she grows up lets be courageous enough to gently, quietly pull the blanket out from under her while she sleeps.

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