Otero/Crowley County Health Department Weekly Covid Update Jan 29, 2021

Description: Otero/Crowley County Health Department Weekly Covid Update Jan 29, 2021

Published: 01/29/2021
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Friday 1/29/2021 at 1:44 pm.


1/29/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1:  Weekly Update

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

Hello to all, here are this week’s COVID-19 updates for you:

  1. OCHD February Booster Shot Clinics:  For those folks that received their first COVID-19 vaccination on Wednesday, 1/6/2021, OCHD will be hosting a COVID-19 booster shot clinic on Wednesday, 2/3/2021 and Thursday, 2/4/2021 in Rocky Ford at the Public Safety Building.  We are in the process of calling and scheduling appointments for this booster shot clinic, and we have already contacted the vast majority of those needing boosters.  Please keep the following important points in mind:

ü  This clinic is only for COVID-19 booster shots, no other vaccinations will be given;

ü  This clinic is only for those that received their first vaccination on Wednesday, 1/6/2021 at the Rocky Ford Fairgrounds;

ü  This clinic is by appointment only.  You will be called to schedule your time slot for the booster shot, we will call you.  We are making appointments to help alleviate long wait times in line.  We are having issues with a small number of people that are not answering the phones and there is not an answering machine option.  Please be aware that when the phone rings it may be OCHD staff on the other end attempting to schedule your booster shot. 

ü  Wednesday, 2/3/2021 is 28 full days and Thursday, 2/4/2021 is 29 full days from the initial shot on 1/6/2021, which is well within the targeted time frame for the Moderna vaccine. 

ü  This clinic is not for initial (first) COVID-19 vaccinations; &

ü  If you received your initial COVID-19 vaccination from another provider (not OCHD), then please contact them to arrange for your booster shot. 

  1. Crowley County Yellow Level Move Request:  Wednesday, 1/27/2021 marked the 14th day that Crowley County has stayed under the Level Yellow threshold rate of 175 cases/100,000 population.  First and foremost, great job!  Because of this, this morning I sent a request to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to officially move Crowley County to Level Yellow.  The reason we wait 14 days is because this is the time required to wait by CDPHE to see if a county firmly establishes itself in a less restrictive level.  This move will not be official until we receive word from CDPHE, so as of the time of this writing Crowley County is still under Orange Level restrictions. 

If you go to this website COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates, scroll to the map, and click on Crowley County, it gives a rate of 397.9/100,000 population (as of 1/29/2021 at 10:53 am), which is markedly different from what I reported above and actually corresponds with the Red Level.  The reason that this rate is so high is because CDPHE has not yet excluded the prison inmate population.  I have created and maintain my own spreadsheet that calculates Crowley’s community rate (excluding inmates).  The rates that dictate levels do not include residents of congregate care facilities, such as inmates and nursing home residents. 

I will let you know what I hear from CDPHE.  Keep up the good work, you are making a demonstrable difference!  That demonstrable difference is very evident in the lower community rate that will equate to fewer COVID-19 related illnesses and lessened restrictions for individuals, families, schools, and businesses. 

  1. Community Testing:  As I mentioned last week, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has suspended COVID-19 Curative testing in many situations, effective 1/21/2021.  This is the test that OCHD has been using at our free COVID-19 community testing clinics.  We are working with CDPHE to institute a testing clinic that utilizes the state lab instead of Curative.  In the meantime, if you believe you need to be tested please contact your medical provider.  Stay tuned to these updates for more details as they become available.
  1. Rates Continue to Drop:  Our rates continue their steady downward trend, here are some details: 

ü  Crowley County

§ Two week cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 population not including prison inmates (1/14/2021-1/27/2021):  33.16

·         This is down from the peak rate of 961.56 recorded on 12/15/2020, good job Crowley! 

ü  Otero County

§ Two week cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 population (1/14/2021-1/27/2021):  213.34

·         This is WAY down from the peak rate of 3,791.17 recorded on 12/11/2020, and Otero has passed the upper threshold of Level Orange which is 350 cases/100,000 population.  Outstanding! 

ü  Crowley/Otero new hospitalizations 7 day moving average (as of 1/28/2021):  0.43

§ This is down from a peak of 2.57 recorded on 12/5/2020.

ü  Important Notes

§ Your actions are making a difference!  They are leading to reduced rates, which will lessen restrictions for individuals, families, schools, and businesses.

§ The pandemic is NOT over, we still have work to do, so please keep up the good work! 

§ Our rates are reducing because you are doing your part.  Please continue doing your part by following Public Health Orders (https://covid19.colorado.gov/prepare-protect-yourself/prevent-the-spread/public-health-executive-orders), level restrictions (COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates), and COVID-19 precautions (https://covid19.colorado.gov/prevention).  All of this still applies even if you have already received your vaccination.  If we become complacent and stop doing our part, the rate’s current downward trend can change direction very quickly.  The only way we are going to beat COVID-19 is together.  Additionally Dr. Herlihy, our state epidemiologist, recently stated “We can’t let up now. It’s important to continue to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 until a large portion of Coloradans have been vaccinated.”  She stressed the importance of continuing to follow public health protocols, wearing your mask, and keeping your distance.  Let’s be firmly resolved to continue doing our part for the common good!

  1. Crowley/Otero Five (5) Star State Certification Program:  If you have questions about this program, please go to 5 Star State Certification Program | Colorado COVID-19 Updates or contact the Co-chairs of the local 5 star administrative committee using the contact information below:

ü  Ozzie Hoeme, ohoeme@fastenal.com

ü  Jeremiah Stoker, jeremiah540@hotmail.com

  1. School Webpages:  Please visit these websites for school-specific information and updates regarding COVID-19:

a.       Cheraw:  https://www.cheraw.k12.co.us/

b.      Crowley County:  http://www.cck12.net/

c.       Fowler:  http://www.fowler.k12.co.us/

d.      La Junta:  https://www.lajuntaschools.org/

e.       Manzanola:  https://www.manzanola.k12.co.us/

f.       OJC:  https://www.ojc.edu/

g.      Rocky Ford:  https://www.rockyfordk12.org/ 

h.      Swink:  https://www.swinkk12.net/

  1. Vaccination Information

a.       Phase Timeline Updates:  “Hot off of the press” as the old saying goes, here are some VERY IMPORTANT vaccination phase timeline updates from CDPHE (copied and pasted directly from the email I received earlier this afternoon):

Today Governor Polis will be providing an update to the prioritization list. The main updates are:

•     Phase 1B will now be known as Phase 1B1, which is where we are right now. This phase includes Coloradans 70 and older, as well as moderate risk health care workers and first responders.

•     Phase 1B2 includes Coloradans ages 65-69, as well as PreK-12 educators and child care workers in licensed programs. They will be able to start getting vaccinated on February 8.

•     Phase 1B3 includes frontline essential workers and Coloradans ages 16-64 with two or more high-risk conditions. They will be able to start getting vaccinated in early March, estimated by March 5th.

b.      Phase 1 Age 70+ Vaccination Registration:  Crowley and Otero residents that are aged 70+ can register for OCHD vaccination clinics.  We will contact those registered on a “first registered, first served” basis as vaccine supply allows.  Get on the list now!  Here is the website to register:  ochdvaxnow.com

c.       Phase 1 Business/Organization Vaccination Registration:  Crowley and Otero businesses/organizations/agencies that meet current eligibility requirements for Phase 1 vaccinations (COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates)  can now register for vaccination clinics.  Per CDPHE guidance, we are currently focusing on Phase 1 (above the dotted line).  We will contact those registered on a “first registered, first served” basis as vaccine supply allows.  However, you can get your employees on the list now!  Here is the website to register: phase1.ochdvaxnow.com

If your business/organization/agency is not physically present in Crowley or Otero County, please check with your Local Public Health Agency (LPHA) for COVID-19 vaccine availability.

d.      Vaccination Registration Assistance:  If you need assistance with online registration, we are happy to help you register for a vaccination.  Please call the following OCHD staff and ask for assistance in vaccination registration:

ü  Chris Coffield, 383-3050

ü  Deb Jaramillo, 383-3040

ü  Kendra Taylor, 383-3048

ü  Notes

§ If these staff are not readily available, please leave your name and phone number and they will return your call as soon as they are able.

§ This is for individuals in Crowley and Otero County.

e.       Ayuda En Espanol (Spanish Language Assistance):  Para ayuda en Espanol, habla con Debbie Jaramillo en 719-383-3040 por favor (For help in Spanish, please call Debbie Jaramillo at 719-383-3040). 

f.       Vaccinations Through Medical Providers:  OCHD is actively working to get vaccine out to our Crowley/Otero medical providers that have previously signed up to administer COVD-19 vaccinations.  If you have not yet received your vaccination, please check with your medical provider or local pharmacy regarding eligibility and vaccine supply.  You can still check with your medical provider even if you have registered on OCHD’s website.  If you have already registered on our website and you get the chance to get your initial vaccination at your medical provider, take it!  Then when we contact you to schedule your vaccination, simple tell us you have already received it at your medical provider’s office and we will simply take you off of our list and contact the next person in line.

g.      Booster Shots:  If you received your first vaccination through OCHD, we will contact you to arrange a time for your booster shot.  If you received your first shot at another medical provider (i.e., your doctor’s office or pharmacy), please contact them regarding your booster shot.  Regardless of where you go to get your booster shot, please be sure to bring your COVID-19 vaccination card that you received during your initial vaccination.

h.      More Vaccine Information:  Colorado-specific information on COVID-19 vaccine can be found here:

ü  Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Website:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  COVID-19 Vaccine frequently asked questions | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Vaccine for Coloradans:  Vaccine for Coloradans | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Colorado Vaccine Dashboard:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Vaccination Phases:  To find the vaccination phase to which you belong and the current vaccination timelines, visit this link and scroll down a bit:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Moderna Vaccine Fact Sheet:  Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (fda.gov)

ü  CDPHE COVID-19 vaccine hotline:  This is a state-wide call center for the public to ask questions specifically about the COVID-19 vaccine.  Now through the end of January, the vaccine call center is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 10 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Beginning Feb. 1, hours will extend to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The new toll-free number is 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926).

  1. COVID-19 Tests

a.       Basic Information:  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has some good, general information on the different types of COVID-19 tests about which you may have heard.  To review this information, please go to the following website:  Coronavirus Disease 2019 Testing Basics (fda.gov)

b.      State Testing Sites:  Here is a website that details COVID-19 testing sites across the state of Colorado:  CDPHE Test Sites Portal (colorado.gov)

  1. Summaries

a.       CDPHE COVID-19 Data Webpage:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data

b.      Crowley County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Orange (High risk)

o   Special note on levels:  12/30/2020 CDPHE released the following information:  “the governor announced that he is directing CDPHE to move all counties in the Red level on the Dial to the Orange level, effective on Monday, January 4. He is making this move in response to a 13 day downward trend in cases statewide, and a plea from counties that are suffering economically.” 

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Total Cases:  1,766

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  23 cases added

§  These numbers include inmates and nursing home residents (please see Facility Outbreaks below).

ü  Non-Congregate Care Facility (does not include inmates and nursing home residents) Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population (for the period 1/14/2021-1/27/2021):  33.16

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by  82.89                                          

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  14

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  0

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility (AVCF)

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/29/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  948

·         Total staff cases:  54

·         Total inmate deaths:  4

o   Crowley County Correctional Facility (CCCF)

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  5/2/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  7/20/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  66

·         Total staff cases:  4

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  525

·         Total staff cases:  33

·         Total inmate deaths:  1

o   Crowley County Nursing Center (CCNC)

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/25/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/12/2021

·         Total resident cases:  29

·         Total staff cases:  43

·         Total resident deaths:  7

o   Ward Intermediate School

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/12/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  12/2/2020

·         Total staff cases:  3

·         Total attendee cases:  2

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. prisoners and nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

c.       Otero County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Orange (High risk)

o   Special note on levels:  12/30/2020 CDPHE released the following information:  “the governor announced that he is directing CDPHE to move all counties in the Red level on the Dial to the Orange level, effective on Monday, January 4. He is making this move in response to a 13 day downward trend in cases statewide, and a plea from counties that are suffering economically.” 

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Total Cases:  1,786

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  23 cases added.

ü  Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population: 213.34

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by 158.63

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  59

o   Change from last Friday’s update: 2

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Cottonwood Ridge Assisted Living

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/27/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  12/31/2020

·         Total resident cases:  18

·         Total staff cases:  10

·         Total resident deaths:  1

o   Fowler Health Care

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/30/2020

·         Total resident cases:  37

·         Total staff cases:  46

o   Inspiration Field-Prairieview Group Home

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/21/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/18/2021

·         Total staff cases:  2

o   Inspiration Field Business Office

§  Status: Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/14/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/11/2021

·         Total staff cases:  7

o   Inspiration Field-North 13th Group Home

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/14/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/11/2021

·         Total resident cases:  2

·         Total staff cases:  3

o   Inspiration Field-South 2nd Group Home

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/17/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/14/2021

·         Total resident cases:  1

·         Total staff cases:  2

o   Inspiration Field-South 6th Group Home

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/10/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/7/2021

·         Total resident cases:  5

·         Total staff cases:  7

o   Learn Thru Play Children’s Kiddieland

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  5/28/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  7/28/2020

·         Total staff cases:  1

·         Total attendee cases:  1

o   Lewis Bolt and Nut

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  7/20/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/27/2020

·         Total staff cases:  14

o   Otero Junior College

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  12/29/2020

·         Total attendee cases:  24

o   Otero Junior College LEA

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/28/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/6/2021

·         Total attendee cases:  4

o   Pioneer Healthcare Center

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  7/13/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  9/18/2020

·         Total resident cases:  20

·         Total staff cases:  14

·         Total resident deaths:  5

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/4/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/23/2021

·         Total resident cases:  29

·         Total staff cases:  48

·         Total resident deaths:  1

o   Swink High School

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  9/14/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/19/2020

·         Total staff cases:  1

·         Total attendee cases:  7

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/16/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  1/8/2021

·         Total staff cases:  6

·         Total attendee cases:  5

o   Valley Wide Health Systems

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/23/2020

·         Total staff cases:  26

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

d.      Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Related Hospitalization(s):  3 new hospitalizations since last Friday’s update.

e.       State of Colorado (numbers are cumulative) (https://covid19.colorado.gov/data)

ü  391,699 cases

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  10,489 cases added

ü  21,713 hospitalized

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  672 hospitalizations added

ü  64 counties

o   No change as this is the total number of counties in Colorado

ü   2,375,776 people tested

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  50,203 additional tests

ü  4,892 deaths due to COVID-19

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  184 deaths added

ü  3,483 outbreaks (view outbreak data:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/outbreak-data)

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  133 outbreaks added

ü  COVID-19 Dial Dashboard:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial/covid-19-dial-dashboard

f.       United States (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases:  25,456,670

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1,132,824 cases added

ü  Total Deaths: 427,626

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  22,937 deaths added

ü  Data Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

o   Website:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html 

g.      Global (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Confirmed Cases:  100,819,363

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  4,806,571 cases added

ü  Deaths:  2,176,159

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  100,289 deaths added                 

ü  Data Source:  Who Health Organization (WHO)

o   Website:  https://covid19.who.int/

  1. What can you do RIGHT NOW?

ü  Read, understand, and comply with public health orders!  Public health orders can be found here:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/prepare-protect-yourself/prevent-the-spread/public-health-executive-orders

ü  Prevent the spread of COVID-19: https://covid19.colorado.gov/prevention 

ü  Limit workplace violence:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/business-employers/limit-workplace-violence.html

ü  Use COVID-19 informational graphics:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/for-lphas-health-care-providers/communication-resources/social-media-graphics

ü  Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

ü  Wear an appropriate mask if you must go out for an essential activity.

ü  If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.

a.       CDPHE:  People at higher risk for severe illness | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      CDC:  Do I need to Take Extra Precautions Against COVID-19 | CDC

ü  Cover your cough and/or sneeze.

ü  Keep your fingers and hands away from your face.

ü  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

ü  Stay informed by trusted and reliable sources.  Be careful about believing what you read on social media sites.  Trusted sources/websites:

o   Otero County Health Department (OCHD):  https://www.oterogov.com

o   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):  https://www.cdc.gov

o   Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE):  https://covid19.colorado.gov/

ü  Do these things so you will be prepared, and not scared.

ü  And remember, “This too shall pass.”

It’s up to us.

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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