Sunshine Briefly Broke the Winter Fog Thursday Afternoon
Description: In a week of fog and dreary weather one brief afternoon brought sunshine to melt the frost and cast white crystalline trees before a backdrop of blue Southeast Colorado skies.
Sunshine Briefly Broke The Winter Fog Thursday Afternoon
Southeast Colorado has been blanketed in freezing fog and cold temperatures for most of the week. Thursday afternoon the sun briefly broke through.
A variety of deciduous trees live on the edges of the Arkansas River. A few brief moments of sunshine melted three days of frost built up on the branches.
The Arkansas River with frosty and frozen banks and fast flowing water.
Frosted over trees, tamarack and river bottom underbrush line the edges of the water along the Arkansas River.
The Swink 7th Day Adventist Church with frosty highlights in the afternoon sun.
These frosty tree tops seemed so cloud-like with the cold winter sky behind them.
An hour or two of direct sun burned off the fog and frost quickly.
Just another winter weather post...
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